Could You Have a Hormone Imbalance

If you’ve been to doctor after doctor and you’re still struggling with any of the following symptoms you may not realize that you have a hormone imbalance.

Are any of these true for you….

It can be so frustrating when you don’t understand WHY you are feeling this way. You have probably already seen your doctor to complain. You walked in looking for hope and answers, but walked out with another prescription (for a sleeping pill, anti-depressant or birth control pills). Or even worse, your doctor may have told you that everything is normal! If everything is normal, why do you feel so bad?

Dr. Deb Matthew has written a life-changing book, This is NOT Normal! A Busy Woman’s Guide To Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance, to help women understand what’s going on and to start to get back to feeling like themself again!

In this book you’ll learn:

You’ll finally understand what is going on in your body, so you can find solutions!

Look at what other health professionals say about this book:

This book demystifies the human hormone system using clear, easy-to-understand language.

This Is Not Normal presents clear and relevant information about symptoms of hormonal imbalances, their causes, and effective solutions.

I strongly encourage women to read this book if they aren’t feeling well-it will likely shed light on the path to recovery.

There is no reason for a woman to suffer through the hormonal changes that precede menopause. In This Is Not Normal, Dr. Matthew describes this process in a very concise way. She provides insight, understanding, and details about the safe and natural ways to restore hormone balance. A must-read for any woman.